Ilion NY – ROSES – (315)823-7073

Ilion NY – ROSES – (315)823-7073 for ROSES from ROSE PETALS FLORIST LITTLE FALLS NY.   We Deliver!


Our Roses are the Best Roses in the Mohawk Valley.


ROSE PETALS FLORIST has the very Best Ilion ny – Roses because I focused on Roses for 30 years and I properly condition our Fresh Roses to Lasts and also look good through  at least two weeks.


ILION – ROSES – (315)823-7073


We design our Roses and our Flower Filled vases to set perfectally on the center of the Table.


Women want thier flowers to look great on the center of the table.   Our competitors make roses look like funeral flowers.

Ilion ny roses

Im the only In business Florist in the Mohawk VALLEY that was taught the correct way to design the Classic Flower Filled Vase that looks great from all angles.ROSES Little Falls NY


We also design  our flowers and roses to lasts beautifully for at least two werks.



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