Rose Petals Florist offers affordable flowers for all occasions. Here is a sample of one of our Sympathy/Funeral Arrangements:
When you need to order funeral or sympathy flowers, please call us at (315) 823-7073 for personalized service.
Rose Petals Florist takes orders and delivers flowers 7 days a week.
For local funerals in any of the listed towns below, we offer a discount on the delivery charge.
We create fresh floral tributes at an affordable price, designed and delivered to all funeral homes in:
- Little Falls, NY 13365
- Herkimer NY 13350
- Ilion NY 13357
- Dolgeville NY 13329
- Salisbury Center NY 13454
- Stratford NY 13470
- Newport NY 13416
- Middleville NY 13406
- Jordanville NY 13461
- Richfield Springs, NY
- St. Johnsville NY 13452
- Fort Plain, Mohawk and Palatine Bridge.