Your Little Falls NY Florists

Little Falls NY Florists – Flower delivery by ROSE PETALS FLORIST.  Your Little Falls florists in Little Falls NY.


ROSE PETALS FLORIST  is one of very few florists that has learned a traid.  A traid that continues to bring smiles to so many faces.


We are located at 343 South 2nd Street Little Falls.  Stop by or Call (315)823-7073.


Call us for your next flower delivery in Little Falls NY and surrounding areas.  We deliver flowers within the city of Little Falls and all of the Surrounding  areas. Towns and villages such as Salisbury Center, Dolgeville and St. Johnsville, NY.

Little Falls Florists - Flower Delivery by ROSE PETALS FLORIST

Little Falls Florists – flower delivery by ROSE PETALS FLORIST

You can call us from all over the world and know that we are your trusted Little Falls florists.   We design exactly the way that you want.  Knowing that you are looking for Beautiful Flowers. We know that you want to see your money’s worth in flowers and design.


Stop by 343 South 2nd Street Little Falls to grab a quick bouquet or a flower filled vase from one of our coolers.


Little Falls Florist - Flower delivety by ROSE PETALS FLORIST

We have the most beautiful floral arrangements and flower vases to send for every occasion and at all price points.


When designing flowers for the recipient we design custom arrangements with you and the recipiant in mind.


ROSE PETALS FLORIST has the most Admired flower shop in Central NY. When you come shopping here, you are shopping with a true Florist.


We consintrate 100% on Fresh Flowers & Fresh Roses first.  A close second important factor is with our expert  floral designers creating all of the beauty that you can imagine.


Our top Florists have the horticultraul expertise and the best design ability to design a long lasting beautiful vase of flowers and roses above all competitors hands down!


Always shop ROSE PETALS FLORISTS Where we are skilled floral designers.  We obtained our skill from our many years in the flower business and working for prestigious Florists that taught the tricks of the trade.


A True floral designer dose Not just ‘teach them selves the trade’.  If they say they tought themselves this trade, the best thing you can do is Run Away.


A skilled florists knows what you are looking for, knows how to price the item and knows how to make something thar ‘every one’ admires!


Our Flower shop is known to have the freshest flowers and the longest lasting flowers and roses.  As long as the flower recipient adds water and keeps the flowers and roses away from direct heat and direct cold- they should last a few weeks at home.


Our Happy Customers are Happy Repeat Customers because they Love our Fresh Flowers.  Our Customers love the fact that our Flowers seem to oulasts the compitions.  Above all the Beauty in our floral designs as we keep the costs low is a main factor!


Call (315)823-7073 when you need Little Falls Florists – Flower Delivery By ROSE PETALS FLORIST.


Your Little Falls NY florists is only a call away!