For Fresh flowers from your local Florist 13365, ROSE PETALS FLORIST 343 S 2nd St Little Falls NY 13365 is your Local Florist Close by.

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Florist 13365

ROSE PETALS FLORIST is an all occasion Florist that designs flower filled Vases & Rose filled Vases so they look perfect in the center of the table.


We design vases all the way around to look perfect from all sides.  Our floral designs look perfectly normal in the center of the table.

We are your local Florist that understands that you want your flowers to look beautiful in their natural state.


Designing vases with Tall Stems, vibrant colors arranged to look good in a glass vase and to look perfect from all sides when you set this vase on the center of the table.

Our competitors make one-sided, flat back flowers that should ONLY be for FUNERALS and should Never be passed off as a suitable Table arrangement for the Love if your life.

I see the practice of the one-sided or 3 point arrangement that get passed off as being an all around arrangement by having a Flat back of Greenery.


When when you leave my Competitors’ store you realize that you just got overcharged.

When you take the flowers home the love of your life points out that the flower design is missing 1/2 the floral arrangement and that it looks more like a flower piece that belongs at a funeral home.


I see way too many florists getting away with this type of designing and it’s too bad and it’s not designing At All.

When a florist pushes the word design the hidden word is outrageously  HIGH PRICING.


Every Florist Designs in their own way, we all pay the same amount for the same flowers at the same wholesalers.


It boils down to the markup and how un-ethical a florist can go with pricing.  I Price properly because I being trained to use the formula that ls part of being a florist and by the floral industry many years ago to keep pricing at bay.

As I stated, I’m a trained florist.  I design not according to my opinion so much as  the opinions of the thousands of customers I’ve had through 30 years.  Creativity is great and is left to the eyes of the beholder and different opinions.


A True Florist Knows the Business and knows how to profit without PRICE GOUGING to put it nicely.


All these years later, I’m seeing why those 7 long years, painful at times to stick with the schedules.


Me  learning of what I was trying to become in a trade I love so much as I’m realizing NOW all too well that I’ve been truly blessed by learning all that I’ve learned from older magnificent florists.


I Learned so much from Lyndon Lyon in his later years.  I’ve learned the most from Crist Brown of the former Utica Floral & I learned so much from older florists that spent their lives being a florist.


I’m proud to say, yeah  I’m creative, but I was Trained hard-core back-breaking sleepless nights to become the Florist I am today!


The Florist I am, not by chance and simple creativity: but by hard work, cut fingers and blisters on my toes. I  I’ve really soaked in the wonderful knowledge that I learned on my way to becoming a florist and I use that knowledge every day.


Yes I’m a Designer, &  the Best at that, but I’m a True Florist 13365


Being a true florist includes being human and real with customers. Listening to what they are looking for in the floral purchase they are making.


I know that a customer is looking for a Beautiful vase of flowers and Roses so I do my very best in design and I design with the proper flower pricing.


I design to promote longevity in flowers so they will last going into a few weeks. You always know that you get your money worth at ROSE PETALS FLORIST.



At ROSE PETALS FLORIST, we KNOW that when you have flowers in your mind for your Love, you want a beautiful and well proportioned vase of flowers that looks good from all sides.


You Never planned on buying a funeral-like flower piece for your Love.


Many Florist refuse to make the effort or even  take that little extra time to design a flower vase full on all sides.


Granted, you’re paying for a full vase; but other florist will say it’s full  because they cover the back with greenery.


When shopping for flowers pay attention, Do you want to spend money with a self portrayed creative designer that doesn’t pay much attention to proper pricing?


As in the real world ‘designing’ is a small percent of the entire mathematical  formula.  Do those creative beings even know the rest of the mathematical formula?


Being a florist 13365 means wearing many hats of being a banker, a writer, a

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Florist 13365

carpenter an electron at times and so many other artists and then the designing comes in


When you want a real true floral vase designed all the way around call ROSE PETALS FLORIST.

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Florist 13365

WE ARE YOUR  Little Falls NY FLORIST 13365 .