Mother’s Day Flower Delivery by ROSE PETALS FLORIST (315)823-7073.
Mother’s are precious, Mothers are our first friend, our first loving touch. Mothers are priceless! Send your Mom a Mother’s Day Flowers Delivery Little Falls, N.Y. AND surrounding areas for the very best Spring flowers by calling (315)823-7073. Or stop by 343 South 2nd Street, Little Falls, NY. When you order flowers from ROSE PETALS FLORIST you can Always count on the Freshes Flowers and the Freshest designs for Moms everywhere. We have flower deliver in and arround Little Falls, NY, Dolgeville, NY, St. Johnsville, NY, Fort Plan, NY, Herkimer, Fairfield& Middleville, NY. We also have flower delivery to Salisbury Center and Stratford NY.
At ROSE PETALS FLORIST, We always make our arrangements with the Freshest Flowers that you can find in Little Falls, NY. We receive our flowers from our growers over-night and design the freshest flowers for your flower order! We know that Moms like a nice selection of fragrant blooms and that is what you get when you shop with ROSE PETALS FLORIST.
With this Spring Season in full bloom with the birds singing outside along all the bright vibrant colors of summer close by you are sure to find exactly what you want in colorful flowers when
You are always sure to send tender love for Mom in your flowers from ROSE PETALS FLORIST.
This year we are planning on having colorful fragrent lily in all colors.We are also including purple Lyatris and shocking purple status in many of our MOTHERS DAY flower Vases. Assorted yellow blooms, shades of pinks and vibrant reds. We make the most beautiful assortment to create the most dazzling vase of flowers for your mother.
By Popular Demand; we are designing our Mason Jar vases again. These mason jar vases come in all colors and are a favorite among Mothers.
The Mason Jar ARRANGEMENT in a mason jar vase come in many different colors and are a very nice touch of memories from days gone by. These arrangements are designed all the way arround and that are guaranteed to last up to 3 weeks!

Mother’s Day Flower Delivery by ROSE PETALS FLORIST (315)823-7073
Mother’s Day Flower Delivery for Mom by ROSE PETALS FLORIST .