24 Hr. FLOWERS from ROSE PETALS FLORIST is for you to be able to place your flower order when you have the time to dial:
24 hr. Flowers by ROSE PETALS FLORIST -Little Falls, NY. takes flower orders 24 hrs. A day- 7 days a week. We are your daytime florist located ay 343 S. Second St. Little Falls and we are your 24 Hr. FLOWER ORDER TAKER so you can still flower shop via telephone your after hours live florist.
ROSE PETALS FLORIST has many flower customers that include night shift and split shift working customers.
These flower customers on the grave yard shifts with their jobs can look at recent flower arrangements on our Google Maps page and call ROSE PETAL FLORIST to place the flower order with a real florist.
You are now able to call us direct to place your flower order with us; your hometown FLORIST 24 hours a day & into the wee hours of the night with 24 Hrs. FLOWERS!
You are able to talk with an actual local floral designer about the flower arrangement that you would like us to design. If it’s not too late we can even deliver your flowers up till 11 PM.
You can call late at night for a next day Funeral Flower order and actually talk to a floral designer about your floral preference as you place your order and you can be sure that the funeral flowers are perfectly designed and delivered to the proper destination in time.
Wether it be to any funeral home that we service in a 25 mile radius & beyond of our Flower shop or to some-ones home; we will promptly deliver the most beautiful and longest lasting flowers from 24 HOURS FLOWERS in Little FallS. 24 Hr. FLOWERS is perfect for the workaholic that just can’t find time to place a flower order because by the time you think about it; you think every place has closed for the day. Not only do we have extended hours at the flower shop, but we now can take your flower order with 24 Hr. FLOWERS- 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We accept all major credit cards. If you want to use papal, you can order through our webpage 24 hrs. A day also. rosepetalsflorist.com
When you need to order flowers during those late hours and any hour, call your local flower shop at (315)823-7073.
For your convenience, ROSE PETALS FLORIST now has 24 Hr. FLOWERS .