Florist Ilion NY

Florist Ilion NY ROSE PETALS FLORIST when customers call for a delivery (315)823-7073.  We Deliver through the entire Mohawk

little falls flowers ROSE PETALS FLORIST (315)823-7073

Valentines Day Rose’s (315)823-7073 at ROSE PETALS FLORIST


We design & deliver beautiful all occasion flowers designed in a vase to set beautifully in the center of the table.


My training in Utica NY and Manhattan NY taught me to design the very best while promoting longevity and beauty for the longest possible time with both ROSES vases and FRESH FLOWERS.


We design the floral vases that people like to get.  


We also design sympathy flowers for funerals.  We design big beautiful floral tributes and deliver to all Funeral Homes.

sympathy flowers

Sympathy flowers


Always Know to call ROSE PETALS FLORIST yourself or stop by 343 S. 2nd St. Little Falls NY. to place your sympathy order


Don’t leave it up to a funeral home person to call for flowers, most likely they will call the wrong florist and you’ll be paying Way too much.  Always trust ROSE PETALS FLORIST.


Know that YOU can ALWAYS Reach ROSE PETALS FLORIST when you call (315)823-7073.


Wedding Flowers are beautiful when you shop wedding flowers with ROSE PETALS FLORIST.  It’s always down-to-earth and  realistically priced top designed flower ordering.


If you’re a 2020 Bride shop around and after you have talked with my competitors call or stop by to see our credentials.


Central Valley Prom is a very big event for prom corsages, hair flowers and such.  We have designed the most beautiful prom flowers for all the schools in the Mohawk Valley.

Our Prom Flowers are delicate yet strong!  We design beautifully to compliment your outfit perfectly.  We are affordably priced and can be reached always by calling (315)823-7073 now!

Pink Rose Wrist Corsage

Putting pink rose corsage on the female’s wrist

Florist Ilion NY in Little Falls NY ROSE PETALS FLORIST 343 S 2 nd st. Little Falls