ROSES DOLGEVILLE NY by ROSE PETALS FLORIST are designed big and Beautiful to show  your Love this Valentine’s Day 2020


Our Big Beautiful Rose Vase Dozens are designed beautifully to set perfectly in the center of a table.

Florist - Dolgeville - NY

Florist – dolgeville-ny

Our Rose Dozens are perfect with babies-breath and greenery.  We design this vase to look great from every side of the table.


Our Rose dozens stand at least 22″ tall with a wide circumference at least 18″.


Our ROSES DOLGEVILLE always make a big splash.  They are Big, beautiful, healthy and vibrant.


Our Roses are all around dozens of Roses with  breath, greenery, and a bow wrapped in a glass vase when you shop ROSE PETALS FLORIST.

STOP by 343 S 2nd Street Little Falls NY or call (315)823-7073.


Our rose dozens are designed all around to look beautiful setting on the center of the table.


Our Rose Dozens make a Big statement as they are around 24 ” tall x 22″ circumference.


Fresh ROSES are the Most beautiful and they last longer than all of our competitors Roses.


Make a BIG Statement this Valentine’s Day and call ROSE PETALS FLORIST to order a Beautiful dozen roses that sets perfectly in the center if the table as every woman wants



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