When shopping Pink Roses know to SHOP ROSE PETALS FLORIST FOR ALL COLOR ROSES.p 343 S 2nd Street little falls ny. (315)823-7073
Pink Roses are very Scarce for Valentines Day and we only offer the Pink Roses in a Dozen designed in a vase.
The shorter dozens start at $55.00, the medium height 50 cm sell for $65.00 and the long Stem Roses designed in a vase all around with babies-breath and greenery to set perfectly in the center of the table 60cm high are $75.00.
This particular dozen pink Roses is $65.00
Pink Roses are a Favorite at Valentines Day so make sure you call early for your Pink Roses (315)823-7073 or stop by 343 s 2nd street little falls ny.
We Also Sell a lot of Double Dozen Roses designed in a vase like this one for $135.00.
Double dozens of Roses can be designed with red roses and every color available.
All colors Roses start at $39.99 a dozen and the quickest selling Roses are the pink roses.