Rose Petals Florist flower delivery in LITTLE Falls, to Dolgeville & St. Johnsville. With the Freshest flowers has always been a favorite place to shop for Flowers.


We are an all occasion FLORIST and we make the most stunning affordable flower arrangements.


We make get well arrangements, Birthday vases, flowers for Every thought.


We make the most magnificent wedding flowers and we have ‘Weddings on a Budget’.


Our Roses have always been a favorite.

Our flower shop staff prides themselves in the knowledge that we have acquired through the years when it come to the beloved; the american Beauty rose, the symbol of love

We strive to make the perfect, unique,  fresh rose arrangement for your love each year. We guarantee our roses are sure to last at least two weeks. We also have the lowest rose prices for this special week, starting at $34.50 a dozen roses.

Our roses are long stem, and range from 50 CM, 60 CM, 60 CM, 70 CM.

We have always loved classic American Beauty Red Roses, but we also have all other colors, in fact; every color that you can imagine!

Little Falls flowers


You can pick up your roses or fresh floral arrangement at our location at 343 S 2nd Street, Little Falls, NY.

We can deliver flowers and roses to your special love with your personalized message on or before Valentine’s Day.

>We also have candy and plush along with Love Balloons to add to your gift of love through flowers.

[dessky_responsive_slider][dessky_responsive_slider][dessky_responsive_slider]If you want to give her a very special Valentine’s Day this year, Valentine’s Day 2017 shop at Rose Petals Florist in Little Falls, NY, where you are guaranteed the very best price and the most beautiful roses by the dozen, or floral arrangements, that are guaranteed to last for weeks; so this floral piece is a  constant reminder of your love and devotion. You are able to not only get her the most abundant floral arrangement or rose dozens that lasts and lats, but you are also able to take her to dinner and the movies, and get a box of candy because you saved so much money by shopping at ROSE PETALS FLORIST your local flower shop.