CALL (315)823-7073 For Flowers Delivery by ROSE PETALS FLORIST Your Local Little Falls NY FLORIST.
I can make the most Beautiful Mother Day Flowers for your Mom for Mothers Day and Deliver them for a Mothers Day Greeting! I can make flower deliveries for all occasions with a Call.
This year in the Midst of the Covid-19 all over the world I had to revert back to the Early Days of my Business and take Advantage of the fact that my Flower Business Also Falls in the Category of ‘Produce because I also service Food Stores with Flowers.
I am not only one of the greatest floral Designers in the Mohawk Valley, I’ve had the Good Business Sense to also service convenance stores under Produce.
With that side of my business; I have always held the Category of ‘Produce’ as part of my flower business.
That Very Part is why I am able to design Beautiful Flowers for your Moms , MOTHERS DAY 2020!
I’m able t
o take ONLY orders that you CALL IN because of the current state mandate.
However, I’m able to make beautiful flowers and Deliver them Safely to your Mom for MOTHERS DAY while I Practice ‘Germ Free Flower Delivery.’
Hopefully this Pandemic will cease soon so life can get back to normal.
In the mean time I have Flowers Shipped in to fill Flower orders to bring some normalcy to so many people during such times.
God Bless everyone in America. Thank you for always shopping ROSE PETALS FLORIST.
Call (315)823-7073 for Flowers Delivery by ROSE PETALS FLORIST.